Digital Blueprint

Making $1,000 a day has never been easier...

Aug 20, 2024


4 min

Digital Blueprint

Times have changed, and digital products are taking over. It's come to a point where people can launch their own products within a day, and here's how to do it all:

Step 1.) What are you selling?

You need to decide whether you're going to sell your own product, or make one for someone else. I've done both, and they're equal in my opinion. If you're not qualified in what you're selling, you should probably find someone who is and monetize their audience with a digital product. Examples would be guides, digital art, designs, packs, templates, and anything that brings fulfilment. Make sure that the product is something that holds value to you, something that you can genuinely become obsessed over. If you hate exercising, I promise you that selling an exercise plan with an influencer is not the route to go, lol. Some specific ideas:

  • Notion Templates

  • Trading Indicators

  • Blocks of Code

  • Info-Products

  • Plans

  • Vacation Guides

It's really easy to find influences who would be able to sell these on Instagram. Hit them up with a cold DM, and take it from there. An example of someone who's crushing it, is this channel:

Step 2.) Where do you sell?

I'm a big fan of Shopify, but a popular competitor, Whop, has entered the game for digital products. I honestly haven't had the best experience with them, but I know they're an amazing company, try them out. Anything you want to sell can be hosted on these platforms. There are tons of apps on each of them to makes things 10x easier.

Step 3.) How do you sell?

If you chose the influencer route, that's your golden ticket. Help them create content by finding what's already working, and just make it better. People overcomplicate this but it's truly that easy. Once you've done it for 1 influencer, even with minimal results, you have something to reach out to others with and repeat the same process over and over again. If you're selling your own product, the 2 best sources of traffic are Twitter/X and long-form YouTube. It's very dependent on what you're selling, because short-form is obviously a much bigger market, so it just depends on where your audience resides.

  • Long-Form YT Videos

  • Twitter/X

  • UGC

  • Ads

  • Short-Form Content (Reels, TikTok, Shorts)

YouTube just partnered with Shopify to introduce a program very similar to TikTok shop. Take advantage of that easy checkout, start selling.

Step 4.) Why do you sell?

This is the biggest one. Why are you doing what you're doing, and why would anyone care? If you can't answer these questions, you really need to question if you're doing the right thing. A simple answer like "to make money" isn't going to cut it, your audience won't purchase when they understand you and your objectives, they'll purchase when they feel understood and they feel like you know exactly what they want. That'll build the seller -> client relationship that most struggle with, along with your CVR.

Real Application

Let's do an example. You've been researching Notion templates for quite a while now, and you see how popular the app is. You reach out to 100 self-care/organization influencers, 5 respond, and only 1 is interested. You set the shop up, help the influencer create content, and start managing things from the back end. Once you've launched, it's just content creation/marketing. The rest of the process is all automated, instant order fulfilment.

Fun fact, that's not an example, that's what I did.

If you're serious about changing your life, join this server. It's completely free and we're going to be building a massive network within it.

Summary: Define what you're selling, see how others market it, make it better, have a "why", then rinse and repeat.

🧑🏼‍💻 working

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🧑🏼‍💻 working

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🧑🏼‍💻 working

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