Digital Philosophy

My personal philosophy with business...

Aug 28, 2024


8 min

Start with why. This is a super underrated idea that many of you fail to understand, and I don't blame you.

The "money community" has conditioned you into believing that your only motives should be money. It's the only metric you look at, and the only thing you want. If you're not open to shifting your views a little, stop reading this, leave my server, and don't waste my time.

Business is more than simply money. We always assume we know why we do what we do, but we're unable to explain why some things occur. For example, Apple, the leading innovator in the computer space. They're not the most qualified team, they don't have more resources than others, yet they lead the masses. Over 55% of Americans use iPhones, what just started out as a computer company with a vision outside of Wozniak's garage, has transformed into something great. But we need to ask, why?

There are tons of examples of prominent leaders, like MLK, the Wright brothers versus Samuel Pierpont Langley, and many more. They all think and display a simple idea, start with why. Everybody knows what they do, some know how they do it, and very few know why they do what they do. Your purpose, cause, belief, etc. Why does your business exist?

Great leaders don't communicate like this:

  • What

  • How

  • Why

They communicate like this:

  • Why

  • How

  • What

Still lost? Let's dig a little deeper.

"We make great computers, they're beautifully designed and easy to use, want to buy one?"

The message above is how everyone communicates, they try to appeal with the wrong reasons, it's uninspiring.

"Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo is by making our computers beautifully designed and easy to use. We just happen to make great computers, want to buy one?"

That's inspiring, and this way of thinking explains why every single person reading this is comfortable with using their products, and not only computers, but TVs, smart-watches, phones, and almost every device you could think of. There's nothing that makes Apple more qualified than the others, but we believe they are.

Your desktop computer may not be an Apple product, mine isn't. It's a prebuilt computer from SteelSeries, but I'd never buy a phone from them, I'd be delusional to even think that's a good idea. In fact, I'm wearing headphones from Apple right now, have a mac beside me, 2 iPhones in-front of me, and I'd be content with an Apple PC, but can you imagine using a Dell phone? Can you imagine using a Logitech phone? What about a Roku computer?

I want you to understand, I'm not interested in building small and finite brands. The goal isn't to do business with everyone who needs what you have. The goal is to do business with everyone who believes what you believe.

Our brains can understand vast amounts of information. We can understand all of the features that a product has, everything special about it, but it just doesn't drive behavior. When we communicate differently, we're directly contacting the part of the brain that controls behavior, which we use information to rationalize. You've heard of "gut feelings", and the part of our brain that controls actions, the limbic brain, cannot be transformed into language. That's why the best we can always come up with is a "gut feeling".

If you hire people who can do a job, they'll work for your money. But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they'll work for you as if it were there own brand. That's how you build a life-changing business. I'm sorry, but I'm not here to make small changes in this world.

My top product made me over $5m, and it's still an impactful brand to this day. Everybody in that industry follows my brand's actions, we are leaders. We control the market, making a infinite times more than the "competitors", we never sought out after solely money, or monetary gain.

We have a why, a true belief that builds, innovates, and runs our brand. Each day we inspire others to make change, and it's why things worked out the way they did.

Summary: Start with why, psychological manipulation builds a loyal brand, understand when and why people buy products, study market leaders, and change the world.

It goes deeper than this, like mass market control, early adopters, innovator appeals, and things that most have never even heard of. With this thinking, you will be far more successful, and far quicker. I will be dropping some more guides shortly, the next will likely be on mass market control and how to achieve it relatively quickly.

I enjoy delving into psychology, so if you do have any questions or would like to touch up on things from this guide, please let me know.

🧑🏼‍💻 working

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🧑🏼‍💻 working

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🧑🏼‍💻 working

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