
The road to generating traffic

Aug 22, 2024


6 min

There are 3 main forms of traffic; Organic, ads, and affiliate.

Choosing which form to use, the platform, and the type of content is where people struggle. So let's break it down:

Organic Content: Non-paid, engaging content that brands use to connect with their audience.

Ads: Paid content that brands use to connect with their audience.

Affiliate: User-generated content for a commission of sales that they bring in.

For every venture I've pursued, I've seen the best results with organic and affiliate content. I suggest you attempt all 3, and I'll be releasing a A-Z guide on ads very soon. Side note: I hope these guides are beneficial. I'm not in your position, I don't know what you want to learn, help me by telling me what you're looking for, thank you. Now, before we get into it, let's look at some examples for each type:




Just look through an ad library.

Short-Form vs Long-Form

A better way of saying this is "impulse purchase vs decision purchase". Long-form allows you to sell, short-form allows you to create urgency. A premium product that most would think about purchasing for a while will convert much better with long-form videos on search, compared to them randomly seeing it on a short-form video. Although, here's some sauce:

  • Mass post SFC in your niche to bring attention to it (can subliminally promo your brand in it)

  • They will go to research the product themselves on search

  • As long as you're ranking on search, that's an indirect funnel

So, if it's a cheap product that someone wouldn't think too much about buying, use short-form content, and if they'll need to research it, long-form. Obviously experiment with both, but what I just said is true 99% of the time.

Traffic Quality/Volume Analysis

TikTok: Low Quality, High Volume

X: High Quality, Low Volume

Instagram: Medium Quality, Medium Volume (Varies on content)

YouTube LFC: High Quality, Medium Volume

YouTube SFC: Low Quality, High Volume

A couple days ago, Shopify partnered with YouTube to create a TikTok shop competitor. All I'm going to say is, take advantage of that.


The easiest route to gaining high quality traffic with a solid CVR, is premium product, with organic and affiliate traffic through LFC on YouTube and X.

Hope this helps, will be making adjustments based on people's needs/questions. Join the community, it's completely free :)

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